Friday, August 10, 2012

Ingatkah kita tentang kematian yang tidak kira masa datang menjemput?

0 yang berbunyikk
Assalamualaikum. Hari ini, dah masuk ramadhan yang ke 20. Cepatkan masa berlalu? Rase2nye cam baru esok nak pose, dah harini tinggal 9 days lagi. Soo... at this moment, I felt like I was called to write something that continuously running through my heart and mind from the beginning when I woke up today.Mungkin berbau tazkirah sket, hahah (yeke? :p)but dont care. I write what I want, I share what I got. Is that wrong? :). You see, kite lahir atas sebab ape? Siape yg tentukan hidup kite? Siapa yg beri kebahagiaan pd kite. And.. are we really satisfied and happy enough with what we are doing so far? 

Hurm, living with my precious single mom never gets me tired to learn and see truly valuable things which cannot be bought and experienced by everybody easily. As a teenager, what do I know about real life? My mom always say this to me, -'We as a Muslim, confess to everyone that we are Muslim, but..deep in our heart, do we act like true Muslim? Do we express gratitude and cherish the nikmat to Allah in such a humble way?-' Have you ever experience the feeling of calmness and syahdu atas tikar sejadah?
When you are alone.. you seek forgiveness to Allah so that He would never abandon us and count us in with His beloved people. Have you ever experience that you are just a small tiny slave that could die in any moment? How scared is that huh? I could die too when Im writing this.uhuhu Ya Allah forgive me! 

I often watched, even experienced living with people who always make their way to mosque, 5 waktu.. pak Imam, rakan Imam.. dan yg sekufu dgnnya, tipical assumptions of orang biasa kite, meleis, waa..alim sungguh org itu..baik die..selalu pegi mesejid,tolong masak kenduri,korek kubur.. and mcm2 lg. Alhamdulillah..masih wujud org2 sebegini...sejuk hati tgk kn..  Yes2.. mana yang belakang kite still do the same thing ok la. yg tak tu??

HAH! wat do ya mean ilapropaaaa??

Takdek niat nak bukak aib org,(haih, dah suci sgt dah ke nk kutuk org?) Noooooooooooooo...never!! peringatan utk diri sendiri..sbb yg melihat dan yg merasanye teringin nk kongsi ilmu dr Allah.. tu aje..xdek yg lain.Today I dreamed my mom was going to 'leave' me,mengadap Ilahi. Dalam mimpi tu, she gave a lot of advices about life ni. 

Siyes, bangun2 je cari mak dulu, huhuh dalam hati ni takut+sebak+sedih tetiba teringat mimpi pagi td. Lega, tengok mak dkt ruang tamu. Terus duduk dekat mak and look at wajah bersih dia.And until now,I cherished the moment with her to the fullest and I will never mengeluh lagi when she ask me to do things. Coz..nanti bila dia dah betul2 takda, siapa nak suruh si degil+pemalas ni buat keje?? huhuhu sob sob sobsssss T-T .Nape cite pasal mimpi plak ni? yang dgn mesejid tu nape?? Oke2, nk citenye..segelintir manusia ni x hargai nyawa and lupa akan kematian. Kenape pulak?? Sbbnye..sesetengah ye!bukan sume. Noted that. sesetengah yg dr pegi mesejid nila (at my hometown) yg plg kuat bergosip. Heheheh xknla ilaaa. org alim kot tu???

Dah ada pepatah, use and think of it!! xkan sekadar kata2 indah yg xdek makna org publish?? 'DONT JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER'. Haaa...pepandaila kite nak paham dan adjust dgn wat imma tryin' to say with the sesetengah mesejid people td y'all! Ape yang dikate, dibuat oleh org 'alim' mesejid myhometown ni biorrla my family je taw..cuma nak kate. SEDIHH! Dgn perangai depa..ape ni.Pegi mosque kot. Rumah Allah..balik2 je dr mesejid, iman tadi letak mane? 
Adakah pegi mengadap Allah di rumah Allah tu ingat diri tu mmg kompem disayangi? Belum tentu! Jgn igt dah cukup solat 5 waktu tu kita dah kompem masuk syurga. Sebab tu lah Islam suruh kita timba ilmu Allah ni sampai bila2. Bukan ape, sesetengah org, dgn ilmu yg secupus baru dpt tu terus dah dabik dada dgn sume org.Kalah pulak dgn org yg lg berilmu dr dia. Hahaha sendiri mau pikir la..(termasuk yg menulis ni sndiri) mana yg betul2 berilmu dan bermoral. (uppss terigt kt tagline skola- BERILMU DAN BERMORAL)

Panjang pulak tulis memalam ni. Takpe, its kool. HAHAHA :p ok2. Nak sampai penghujung dah ni. Cume..for those people, come on lah.. hidup kite bukan forever..kite ni senantiase dicatit amalannya.. seronok ke kalu di Hari Pembalasan nanti buku yg kite dpt dr tgn kiri? menyesal time tu dah macam mencurah air di daun kelape (saje ubah, lalala).tak syok kn? 
And alhamdulilah, syukur Ya Allah atas segala-galanya. Thank you for giving me the wake up call dream, thank you for giving nikmat yg tak putus2 dari dulu sampai sekarang and mcm2 lg lahh.. So, just keep our faith in Allah's rahmat and always pray that we could be better and more better in future..

ps/ MOM,Laili Chin, I love you very much. :)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Maunya ditukarin dengen yang lain..

0 yang berbunyikk
Salam. pukul 2.53 pagi. baru celik2 kt blog masakan lame ni. agak sudah sebulan lebih tidak mengupdate. malas dohhh roti. ape motip tetibe ni? hurm well, insyaAllah pada hari besok, Ahad yang bersamaan pada 5 hb Ogos 2012 akan ku turn ke KL kejap utk amek kuih raye dari partner. (yeay!) so, pe yang teman nok ceghite ni pasal satu telepon...yang berkemungkinan akan digantikan dgn yg lain. Ertinyaa?? 

kejap2.nak story dulu.

Samsung Galaxy Y

Actually, ni permberian my lovely dad, (tq abah.hikhik) coz my old Sony Ericsson's 'death' is just around the corner. So, I asked my abah politely.

Me: Abah, do you still got contact with the phone seller tu?
Abah: Why?
Me: Takde lah, bukan ape, I was thinking to buy a brand new phone since this one(I showed him the near-death-old-red-phone) dah nak rosak..(mintak muke simpati.) Dek fikir nak pegi kedai die. Mane tawu kot2 dapat murahh...
Abah: Oh yeke..but the seller tu bukanlah ade kedai jual hanset tu.. dia lebih kurang cam dealer (?) Kite mintak je kt die nak brand ape..then die jual lah..bukan yang biase2 tu. Erm, takpelah, kamu ambil phone abah ni. Abah pon bukan reti guna touch screen ni?
Me: What? serius ni abah? hahaha (dalam hati riang ria raye la jugak sbb xsangke dia nk bagi) Then? If tak reti guna, why u bought it in the first place?
Abah: Ehehe I thought I can cope and learn with it lepas beli. Payahla nak pakai.

HAHAHA. Abah memang ohsem la...

Tapikan nak cerita,phone ni, for medium-kaki gamers like me,the specs could not be satisfying enough. Noted! Im not saying that this phone is not good, but its really economic and sufficient enough for high end-user.ya know wat i mean? sound? 8/10. camera is only 2MP, so I didnt expect to see a sharp and vivid image there at the first place. Battery? of couse any phone depends on how the users handle it.Apps? Ok je mcm phone lain. Ram? 283 M aje. uhuh.To sum, Galaxy Y , I takleh jage u lagik.. huhuhu. 

Dah tu?? Nak pakai phone ape pulak?

I was thinking to buy S Advance or.. Sony Xperia models tp entahla..tgkla cemane nanti.I was looking for a phone yg bukanla mencekik darah sangat hargenye,dapat 5MP and ada front cam pon dah cukup bagus(coz lgi up cam lagi mahal),Internet? ala setakat nak pegi Google Play and sikit2 je guna xpayah la nak up sgt? kalu bole, nak ada ram yg bsr,4 games and apps..ade dual core ke, syok gak.hihih and yang lain2 tu extra jela..i really hope that i could buy a phone yg memuaskan hati sanubari ni and pada masa yg sama, PRACTICAL. yess!!thats the word ---> practical yo...coz imma lasak person ya know....sikit2 kunk, tercampak la, terjatuh la..ter-fly la..(huh?) macam2 gayela..pastu..skrin pecah.then.end story. so.. nobody ever want that right..thats y I did some studies and survey from the Internet about those phones. So, it helps alot for me to make a better choice.And.. 



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